Thursday, December 3, 2015

karma's the biggest bitch

What was supposed to be my life has now, apparently, been handed off to another girl.

I feel cheated. I feel neglected.
I feel like I've been used up and tossed aside. 

But the broken-hearted sucker I am, I'm hoping that I've been tossed aside for a rainy day. Because lately, I've had nothing but rainy days and I know you have too.

He was/is everything to me, the only thing I want in this life is to be with him. But I've been cheated out of that life and it's. not. fair.

I get it now. Everything I did to him. He's throwing all that back my way. I get it. I hurt you bad, but I never ever ever hurt you like this. 

and. it's. not. fair.