Saturday, August 27, 2011

do you believe me? i bet you won't.

i once knew a pretty girl and she was in love with the world.
and she loved the young man who saw her body but never saw her mind and he took everything she had kept and then took everything else that was left.
but no one believed her.
no one believed her.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This evening was one of the best that I've had in quite some time.

Went to Ventura.
Sold to Buffalo Exchange - made $46!!!
Went on a mini-hike.
Went thrifting.
Went to the beach.
Talked. Reminisced. Laughed.


I needed tonight so much,
not to mention that the weather was
Overcast. Cold.
Such a nice change from this triple-digit weather.
And suchhhh a nice change from the lonely feelings I've been having.
Sometimes I think you just need to let yourself fall in love.
Maybe not with anyone or anything in particular,
but just really

Monday, August 8, 2011


You know what this feels like..? It feels like this is what everyone wanted, and so they all teamed up on me to get what they think I deserve. And it's hard not to feel that this isn't what I deserve. And it's hard not to feel these people that I once trusted have completely shot me in the back and they don't give a shit about it. They only care that they think they're right.

It's hard not to feel like that.
And so I have to move out the day before my birthday... Haha. Happy birthday to me.

Monday, August 1, 2011


^^^This video was taken 2 years ago & I'm posting it to give you an idea of what went down last night. Spoken word. Truth. Proclamation. Dedication. Family. WORSHIP.

We are the feared generation, an army is arising. Wake up, wake up!


Someone was holding a sign that said "Need prayer? It's free."
Skye and I were walking by him and I thought (a little bit too) out-loud "Man, I need to be prayed over" and so Skye, being the amazing get-it-done girl that she is, forced me to talk to the guy and to be completely transparent with him. And so I did. He and his friend prayed over me, prayers declaring release from the bondage of addiction and sin, prayers recognizing God's glory and prayers asking the Holy Spirit to come and descend upon me in that place, at that exact moment.

A few hours later, I was able to build up courage & destroy my pride in asking Tommy Green to pray for me. And he did. We talked about some things that have been going on with me over the past year - faithlessness, addiction, etc. - and he looked me in the eye, put my hands in his and his friend (that he was with at the time) put his hands on my shoulders. And they prayed over me, prayers against all schemes of the Evil One, prayers asking Jesus to fill me with His presence, prayers declaring freedom, forgiveness and an already-paid debt. He spoke truth, he received words from the Lord and he gave me a vision - of the foundation of my faith becoming known once more by reading Scripture, figuring out who Jesus really is and being absolutely fascinated by Him.
Through physical touch, the Spirit made way through and from Tommy over to me and he said that he could see in my eyes just how badly I want and hunger for Jesus. And I do. I want Him so bad. And it was through physical touch that I was given a hug, one that I have so desperately been aching for but it was no ordinary hug. No, this was one full of love, acceptance, forgiveness & power and as Tommy hugged me, I could feel soo strongly that it was from God and that He had chosen Tommy at that exact moment to manifest Himself in, to give me that bear-hug from Himself that I have been only dreaming of. And tonight, that dream that I thought could never happen became reality.
I was blessed, I was filled, and I repeated a simple prayer of repentance that Tommy laid out for me. And I meant every word. And I understand now that just as the sunrise is simply beautiful and we can accept that without trying to figure out why it's so beautiful, so it is the same with with God... I see His love for me, His forgiveness, grace, mercy & gentleness and I can accept that without needing to know exactly why/how it all works.

And there was no better way to end the night than worshipping with Sleeping Giant. Front row, completely surrounded, and dripping sweat. Dancing, screaming & singing along with hundreds of kids, all out to Jesus... absolutely 100% priceless. There is no other way I'd rather do it.

"You are loved"
"You are not forgotten"
"Your name is written on My palm"
"You are forgiven, I forgive you"
"You are not cast out"
"I will never forget you"
"I will never forget you"
"You will never be taken from my grasp"
"I will never leave you"
"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"

**I would like to mention, though, that in no way do I "idolize" Tommy Green, nor do I put him on any sort of pedestal. He is just simply filled with the Spirit & the Presence of the Living God and it just seeps out of him. No, I do not idolize him. I just look up to him and I would love for my relationship with Jesus to one day overflow without limit.